Monday, September 21, 2009

Snack Time!

Lucas is really enjoying his afternoon snacktime so much! He goes bananas for "little crunchies" (baby cheetos) and cheese. He is doing better with his sippy cup, too. Soft spout sippies rock!
Even though you can't tell it from the pictures, Lucas woke up with sniffles and another high fever today. He was the first patient seen this morning by Ms. Diana (the nurse practitioner at our peds office). It seems that he has another ear infection (after only being well from the last one for about 6 days). She went ahead and gave us a referral to a pediatric ENT for tubes. We should hear back from them sometime tomorrow with our appointment date. I am dreading the actual procedure as I know it will be most uncomfortable for Lucas, but I have to admit I am also excited that all this infection mess will hopefully be ending soon.

1 comment:

We are the Smith Family said...

Oh wow...tubes already...bless him!!! I know it will be for the best....some children are just so prone to them. Shannon had to have tubes growing up and then ultimately surgery...luckily we have not had any ear infections....sooooo sorry honey!!! He looks soooo growny in his chair with his big cup!!! He has bypassed us on the eating for sure!!! I will have to try the baby cheetos...