Sunday, August 30, 2009


Notice the 3rd tooth about to come in on the right side.

He likes to "pretend" feed himself during meal time... :o)
Milk.. it does the body good!

Wagon wheels.. yum, yum!

It is way past time to "catch-up" the blog! It seems that I am always playing "catch-up" of some kind these days... catching-up the cleaning, the laundry, the dishes, schoolwork, phonecalls, bills, etc... it seems like it all will never get done sometimes. Most days I feel like between work and home, 2 of me couldn't get done what I need to accomplish in one day.. but somehow it happens (thanks to David or my Mama a lot of the time.. I don't know what I would do without them!). Don't get me wrong, this is the life that I've always dreamed of... and I thank God daily for my blessings!! I often remind myself of my favorite quote on the busiest of days.. "it's better to have your hands full, than empty." I love that. It just puts everything in perspective for me.

Lucas is growing by leaps and bounds these days! He has cut his first top tooth and a third bottom one is about to pop through any day. I think he is on the verge of crawling, too. He still does not "appreciate" tummy time, but he is tolerating it better and learning that he can scoot and use his legs to propel him to the toy he wants at the moment. :o) He has also learned that he can roll continuously back to tummy, tummy to back to get from here to there.

We have both been soaking up our daddy time this weekend. David left Friday before last on a business trip and did not return until this past Friday. It was a long week without him here, but Lucas and I managed to hold down the fort. Lucas looked for his daddy everyday.. especially in the evenings when he knew it was time for him to come home on a normal day... he would call and call for him- "dadadadadadadadadada." I tried to explain that dada was working and would be back soon, but that was no consolation at the time. He has been all smiles since his daddy got back home (his mommy has been all smiles, too)!

I hope everyone reading this has a great week. Count your blessings everyday!

1 comment:

We are the Smith Family said...

My...he is getting sooo big!!!! What a cutie! I totally understand your message....sooo much to little time...and you just don't want to miss out on the precious moments that flying by! Hang in there....I am on the journey with ya!