Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not as easy as I thought it would be...

I tried giving Lucas his bath in the big tub last night (his sink baths have become more difficult... I am the one who generally ends up soaked head to toe these days.. lol). It did not go over so well. I thought the transition would be so smooth; I never expected it to be harder! First of all, Lucas wasn't fond of the seat... he kept wiggling and I was afraid he was going to hurt himself... hard plastic doesn't show mercy the way that the soft things he is accustomed to do. Then, he couldn't reach the rubber ducks floating in the water.. and I couldn't get underneath him to bathe all his "2000 parts"..... oh my .... it was a disaster! I am most certain we will be back in the sink tonight.... I am open for any suggestions.....

1 comment:

We are the Smith Family said...

No suggestions on this end....except what my sister-n-law did and put a towel in the bottom of the tub in case Ella fell wouldn't be sooo hard. We are still doing the super fast baths in the sink using our cute yellow bear cushion.....I hope to put them both in soon...and let them play!