Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Day Closer...

Our NST and AFI both looked good this morning. Dr. Miller actually measured 20.8 mL of fluid! That's way up! We discussed our amnio scheduled for the 24th, as I have been very curious/worried about his Thanksgiving plans... He is not 100% sure he will be in town, but he said that more than likely he would be. He is still waiting to hear from one of his children about her plans... He did say that if he and his wife could help it, they were staying home. That, and judging by a few other reasons he named, I have a good feeling he will stay in LaGrange. My fingers and toes are crossed anyway. He said that more than likely we should be good to go if we have Lucas on that Tuesday or Wednesday and that Dr. Bakarich would probably assist in the operating room. Sometimes I think, 'Wow! It's finnnnnalllllly here!' and other times I wonder where all the time has gone. I am definitely more emotional and nervous and EXCITED these days...

We also met with our Pediatrician, Dr. Lisa (Allardice), last night. We felt it was important that we open the lines of communication and discuss with her some of the issues Lucas may have when he is born. We were pleased to find out that she encourages the prenatal appointments and was very open and friendly with us. We talked with her for over an hour! She prepared us for some of the tests the hospital would be running after birth, due to the likelihood of him being hypoglycemic (low blood sugar resulting from my diabetes) and she said that even if the amnio comes back positive for lung development there is naturally still a possibility of some breathing problems (since technically 36 week babies are still considered premature). Overall, we liked her alot and most importantly we feel confident she will take good care of Lucas.

We are one day closer to meeting our miracle...

1 comment:

Candy Godfrey said...

I am so excitied for ya'll I know you are getting nervous about the hospital, I remember the first time with Catelyn I was a nervous wreak!! I have a nephew that was born on Thanksgiving his birthday is the 23rd. Everything will be ok and let me tell you your life is about to change, no more quiet naps during the day, or sleep at night...Catelyn is 3 1/2 and she still gets up everynight for some odd reason... I am really tired but I couldn't imagine my life with out her, Lucas is going to be spoiled just like Catelyn is...but it is really hard not to spoil them when it is your 1st child...Well I am glad that everything is going good for ya'll baby time is almost here!!!!!